Born with contemporary art, I surf since on this wave of freedom. I like to dismantle, everything,… then reassemble, most of the time it works,… sometimes, not. Recently, I dismantled Pascal Forthuny’s gouaches, then reassembled; it works,… Or not. For this occasion, my pseudonym was Nadine Forthuny.
I took for my first exhibition in April 87 at IV th Young artists’ fair in Paris where I got 1 er sculpture prize with my round and contemplative characters, the nickname that friends gave me: Nana. What incongruous questions or mockery with this alias being simply the diminutive of my first name. Between Zola, Niki de Saint Phalle or the periodic towels, I heard everything! So followed many pseudonyms, according to my work, my places of exhibition, my moods: Smelina, Nadine Willems, Rosy Martoll, LLotram, 20008, Martolli, Nadine Forthuny, Madame Martoll…

I had a few hours of « glory » in Paris in 1998 with a fountain « Les Règles de l’Art » censored during a Parisian exhibition.I made this sculpture with unusual speed, without thinking and without knowing its meaning. I was shocked by the violence of the reactions in particular that I was accused of provoking, proof that at that time menstruation was still a taboo subject. In a flash this censorship opened the doors of all the alternative Parisian places to me (thanks to them) : the Adzac Museum, the artistic squat of the Granges aux Belles, where I participated in performances, the Matignon Depot,… articles in Charlie-Hebdo, Union, Le Parisien… interviews with Radio Libertaire. I still couldn’t explain the meaning of this sculpture. The will-o-the-wisp was extinguished and I went to live in Corsica, in 1999, for a year of reflection. I stayed there!
On this beauty island, I went from clay and resin, to metal to make furniture and lamps, at the same time, to the photo, the video , then in 2005, to painting. I managed to imagine a story: the key, around the fountain sculpture that had caused a little ink to flow for lack of blood, I put this story in a book, then on line in this site that I built for the occasion.
In 2016, everything was settled.
Since then I paint, tirelessly, always in Corsica, my alternative paradise.
succinct curriculum